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Clan Rules [Updated]

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Clan Rules [Updated] Empty Clan Rules [Updated]

Post by Lowri Thu Aug 19, 2010 1:27 am

~Visitor Rules~

    No disrespect towards any other visitor, clan member or staff
    Do not spawn kill with heavy weapons, artillery, air strikes, mines, satchels or grenades
    Do not camp outside enemy spawn exits or around enemy spawn areas
    Speak english only in main chat otherwise use PM
    Do not accuse anyone of cheating in the main chat, please PM an admin otherwise
    Do not use any form of cheats like bots or wall hack
    Do not use any form of weapon or map bug
    Do not steal the names of other members or clan members & staff
    If you would like to join then register an account on our forum and post an application
    Do not trick jump or trick plant to win the game

~Member Rules~

    Do not show any form of disrespect towards any other member or visitor
    Do not ask for any level higher than you're own
    Do not use any form of cheats like bots or hacks
    Do not spawn kill with heavy weapons, artillery, air strikes, mines, grenades & satchels
    Do not camp around any enemy spawn exit or area
    Do not accuse anyone of cheating in main chat, keep it in PM and talk to an admin otherwise
    Speak english only in main chat otherwise use PM
    Enforce the clan rules onto server visitors & other members
    Do not recruit anyone which uses bot or hack, do not recruit anyone with a pbban history
    Talk to other members & staff about any problems which you maybe having in or out of the server
    Don't join this clan if you are in another clan or in other words don't double clan
    When dealing with anyone suspicious then !finger that player and ss his or her guid & ip
    When dealing with a rule breaker then take some ss or video evidence along with his or her guid & ip
    Post all ss & video evidence to the forum for discussion

~Admin Rules~

    Enforce the rules onto all members & visitors
    Recruit only the ones that can follow the clan rules
    Only recruit those with no pbban history or cheating history
    Punish rule breakers on the spot but remember to warn them first
    Speak with other admins about any problems regarding members or visitors
    When dealing with a rule breaker then ss his guid / ip & also take some ss or video evidence
    All admins are expected to do a job as server admin & not to abuse their powers

~Punishment Rules~

!Finger any rule breaker & ss his or her guid & ip before you do anything else
Disrespect > Warn > Mute (5 mins) > Kick (6 mins) > Ban (1 day)
Admin hunting > Warn > Mute (5 mins) > Kick (6 mins) > Ban (1 day)
Use of cheats > Permanent ban
Admin abuse > Warn > Demote (3 levels)
Spawn killing > Warn & Splat > Kick (6 mins) > Ban (1 hour)
Name theft > Warn > Rename > Kick (6 mins) > Ban (1hour)
Advertisement > Warn > Mute (5 mins) > Kick (6 mins) > Ban (1 day)
Non-english > Warn > Mute (5 mins) > Kick (6 mins) > Ban (1 day)
Spam > Warn > Mute (5 mins) > Kick (6 mins) > Ban (1 day)
Trick jumping / planting > Warn & Splat > Kick (6 mins) > Ban (1 day)
No guid > Warn > Kick (6 mins) > Ban (1 hour)

Posts : 83
Points : 126
Reputation : 0
Join date : 2010-08-11
Age : 31
Location : In your closet :D

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